Welcome to my Website! (Under Construction)

If you're reading this, you are cute and deserve to be called cute. Headpats for you!

This website is a work in progress but I'm learning as much as I can, as fast as I can, to get it fun and functional! If you are interested in following me anywhere else online, all of my links can be found through my carrd! I look forward to hearing from you :)

Neocities page in 2024?

I've been on the internet for a long time now and I realized I don't like the direction it's going - Twitter was the last straw for me! I wanted something more customizable, where I can just put everything I want on it, the way I want, and to link all my pages together instead of them existing in a vacuum. I also hope to strengthen my online connections through this, and to learn and create in the process.


I have two channels; one is a bit brighter and exclusively seiso with PG gaming clips, Pokemon card pack opening, Hot Wheels ASMR, and more:

Miko Michigai YouTube: @MikoMichigai.

The second is Miko After Dark, which is a little heavier and will be where anything with adult/dark themes or sensitive material will go:

Miko After Dark YouTube: Miko After Dark.

Social Media:

Background Image: https://www.deviantart.com/neoooen/art/Kirby-s-Dreamland-265806077